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Author Guidelines

Internet & Society publishes original and unpublished papers, translations, reviews, and artistic productions. No minimum degree is required for paper's submission.

All work selected for publication will be published in an open access fashion and licensed under creative commons CC-BY 4.0 (see license here).

The journal usese APA 6th Edition style for referencing. The word count does not include the abstract and bibliography but includes citations/references in the text and footnotes.

In order to send a submission, authors must register on the website of the journal, fill in the requested data, and follow the instructions on the screen. Authors should identify themselves by their full name, as well as by their institutional affiliation, which should correspond to the institution in which the research that originated the work was conducted (for example, the most recent graduate program to which researchers were affiliated to).

In case of co-authorship, all individuals assigned as authors must be identified and must have significantly contributed to the work.


All papers should make an original contribution to internet and society studies and should not be under review by another journal. We have a particular preference for empirical investigations and interdisciplinary studies. Submissions can be either in Portuguese or in English, using clear language.

Paper submissions should be 8000-10000 words in length and include (i) title both in Portuguese and in English, (ii) short abstract (250 words) both in Portuguese and in English, (iii) 3-5 keywords both in Portuguese and in English, (iv) list of academic references. Submissions should be in .doc or .docx format.

All papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process, in which submissions are reviewed by two or more external subject experts.

Authors should disclose information about any support received for the research that originated the work, including funding from private entities, national or international non-profit organisations, or research funding agencies.

Works which used data obtained through unpublished empirical research involving human beings (such as interviews or questionnaires) should have received approval from the ethics committee of the institution to which the author is affiliated. Such information should be expressed in the body of the article or in a footnote, identifying the ethics committee, the institution, and the reference number of the procedure which approved the research.


Translations should be 8000-10000 words in length. Authors should ensure that the translated version acknowledges the original article, including, when available, a hyperlink to the source. The references should follow the same guidelines as the papers. Submissions should be in .doc or .docx format.

Where applicable, translations must be accompanied by the authorisation from the copyright holder, taking into consideration the copyright license adopted by Internet & Society (CC BY 4.0).


Reviews should be 1500-3000 words in length and present a critical reading of work published within 36 months from the date of sending the text. Submissions should include the complete reference of the work reviewed or commented. The references should follow the same guidelines as the papers. Submissions should be in .doc or .docx format.

Artistic productions

The journal will include a section with fictional narratives, illustrations, cartoons, photos, and other productions broadly related to its scope. All formats of artistic submissions are accepted and textual submissions should be no more than 3000 words in length. For non-textual productions authors should provide the URL where the material is available.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.